Your Dean College experience will prepare you to launch a brilliant career doing what you love.
Dare to Dream
Dean graduates find remarkable success in every field of endeavor. Our signature combination of focused career support and practical work experience sets you up for a lifetime of fulfillment.
At Dean, career support is baked into everything we do—including the curriculum. You’ll take a career-related course every year of your studies, from exploring careers to preparing for internships to a senior seminar. No matter where you want to go in life, we’ll give you the tools to get there.
Master Degree Affiliation Programs
Students looking to pursue their education beyond the bachelor's degree may now do so through Dean's affiliation programs. Students who graduate with a bachelor's degree from Dean College are invited to do so. Learn more about our affiliation programs.
School Placements
Our graduates go on to top graduate schools and four-year colleges across the country. Check out the list of where they went.
Where Our Alumni Work
From dance companies to radio stations to the Fortune 500, Dean graduates are making their mark in the world. Recent graduates have launched their careers at organizations such as Walt Disney World, WEEI Sports Radio, Kraft Sports Entertainment, Imagination Stage, Habitat for Humanity, All Aboard Event Management and countless others. See a list of where some of our alumni currently work.
At Dean, we will work with you from day one to prepare you for your career. From resume writing to job shadowing opportunities to internships, you will be well-equipped to find a job. Our robust internship program boasts close to 250 work sites that have hosted a Dean student within the last 18 months. As a result, nearly all graduates of our bachelor’s degree program find jobs or start graduate school less than a year after graduation.
Want to see more results? Click here to learn more.
Outcomes By The Numbers
Bachelor's degree students who are working or are in graduate school
Associate degree students who are accepted to their bachelor's degree program of choice
Bachelor's degree students who complete at least one internship before graduation

After graduating from Dean College I pursued a career in news and photography. I won an Emmy Award for producing the 2018 special "Beyond the Border: The Opioid Pipeline." I am currently a photographer for CNN in their Jerusalem Bureau.

Since graduation, I have been working in various jobs in the New York Theatre Community and was recently hired for a year-long apprenticeship for Global K-12 Programs at The Juilliard School. Theatre has helped me overcome my own learning challenges, and I hope to one day help others by creating theatre programs that will benefit students of all ages and learning styles.

Being able to complete an internship with Kraft Sports + Entertainment through Dean’s partnership led me to discover my passion for sports and entertainment management. Because of my internship, I was hired to work within event operations at Gillette Stadium post graduation.