Whether it’s your very first semester or are returning after a summer away from campus, making the transition to college can be a stressful time. If you’re feeling anxious about being away from home, overwhelmed with schoolwork or unsure where you fit in, know that you are not alone and that help is always available. Check out a few tips to help you make the transition to Dean and find support on campus:

Get involved & meet new people

Making new friends and finding your community on campus can feel daunting, but everyone is in the position as you are. Strike up a conversation with a fellow classmate or grab coffee with a friendly face from your residence hall. Attend the Involvement Fair, campus events and meetings for student groups that you’re interested in. Don’t be afraid to try out a new club or activity – you might just find a home in an unexpected place. And if it takes a few tries to find your place, that’s okay too. Making an effort and stepping outside your comfort zone goes a long way, and you’ll find your people before you know it.

Get organized

Knowing what’s coming throughout the semester can help alleviate anxiety and help you make a plan for how to handle all your schoolwork and activities. Make sure you’ve read the syllabus for each class so you know what to expect and what’s expected of you. Write down all your assignment deadlines, tests and key dates to remember in your planner or calendar. Plan out a weekly schedule for doing homework, studying and participating in co-curricular activities – and remember to make sure you’ve left time to rest and have fun! Making a plan and getting organized from the beginning of the semester will help you stay on track as things get busier. 

Ask for help

Not sure where a certain building or classroom is? Ask a fellow student for directions. Need something explained during class or about an assignment? Ask your professor if they could clarify the topic or directions. Feeling lonely? Ask your roommate if they want to get dinner, go to an event or just spend some time together. No question is too small, and chances are someone else is wondering the same thing. Even though asking questions can be scary, it’ll help you get the answers you need and save you some stress in the long-run.

Find support on campus

There are plenty of resources right here on campus to help you make the transition to college. Schedule an appointment with Counseling Services to support your mental health. If you need academic support, including tutoring, coaching, learning support, accessibility services and more, you’ll find it at the Morton Family Learning Center. And your professors and Success and Career Advisors will provide mentorship and guidance both inside and outside the classroom. Everyone at Dean is here to make sure you have the support you need to succeed.

Good luck with the new semester, Bulldogs! Learn more about student life and support services.