About the Exercise Science Program
Watch this presentation to learn more about the Exercise Science program at Dean.
Are you passionate about physical fitness, health, education and other sports-related endeavors? The Exercise Science degree program at Dean College might be the right fit for you.
Explore the world of sport, fitness and human performance in the Exercise Science major at Dean College.
Dean College offers both an associate degree and bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science, combining academics with activity-based classes that will enable you to explore a variety of career possibilities in the field. You may also choose to complete a track in either:
You’ll study fitness and conditioning, anatomy and physiology, and nutrition, all while focusing on personal conditioning skills. You’ll learn how to assess and develop fitness and human performance, how to test and understand the body, and how psychology plays a key role in understanding both motivation and barriers to exercise. Your courses will emphasize principles and techniques for flexibility, strength, stability and balance – physical abilities that are essential to any fitness or rehabilitation program. The Exercise Science program is also complemented by a solid foundation in the liberal arts, as well as required courses in quantitative reasoning and oral communication.
And you’ll put theory into practice every step of the way. You’ll attend labs, classes and activities, develop your own testing projects and fitness-related programs, and complete an internship to build your skills and give you the practical experience needed to succeed in the field.
Watch this presentation to learn more about the Exercise Science program at Dean.
Hear from our faculty members about our science programs and what it means to be a woman in science at Dean.
Gain valuable insights from our School of Liberal Arts faculty, who are here to help you every step of the way.
Geared toward students interested in working alongside physicians as certified athletic trainers, the Pre-Athletic Training track focuses on the relationship between science, athletics and medicine. While immersed in the fundamentals of physical fitness, conditioning, anatomy and physiology, you will learn about the care and prevention of injuries, as well as the role of nutrition in any exercise regime. The blend of coursework will equip you to continue your preparation at a transfer institution for the dynamic and challenging field of athletic training to receive your certification.
The Pre-Physical Therapy track offers a blend of courses in math, science and exercise. Classes will not only consist of lectures but will also include hands-on laboratories. You'll study anatomy and physiology, chemistry, physics, statistics, psychology, nutrition and fitness-based classes. You'll also gain a strong foundation in liberal arts-based courses in English, history, and social sciences, as well as required courses in quantitative reasoning and oral communication. This track will prepare you to pursue a doctorate of physical therapy (DPT) after graduation, which is required to enjoy a rewarding career as a physical therapist.
You’ll participate in experiential learning opportunities through everything you do, exploring the field and testing your interest in the career paths you might want to pursue. Tour facilities and meet practitioners and athletic trainers with the New England Patriots, New England Revolution, Micheli Center for Sports Injury Prevention and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Build your skills and your confidence by completing internships at places like the YMCA, Bosse Sports, Franklin Physical Therapy, Valeo FC International Academy, the New England Revolution U-23 Academy and Dean College Athletics.
You'll graduate with the skills and knowledge you need to enjoy a rewarding career as a personal trainer, coach, teacher, rehabilitation specialist and more, or pursue graduate school to become a certified athletic trainer, physician assistant or exercise physiologist. You’ll find Bulldogs hard at work at places like Mass Sport and Spine, OrthoBoston, the Edge Fitness Center, Perkins School for the Blind, collegiate athletics programs and so much more.
I've interned with Dean's coaches on campus and also secured a job with the New England Revolution as a game-day operations staff member. I've gained a lot of hands-on experience and found my interest in becoming a strength coach for sports teams. The exercise science program really makes sure you are ready to earn your certifications after college and jump right into the field.
The variety of classes, hands-on experience and capstone research project in the Exercise Science program at Dean were crucial in preparing me for a career as a healthcare provider. I recently graduated Northeastern University with a Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies and am now working as a physician assistant in orthopedic sports medicine at EmergeOrtho in North Carolina.
Dean taught me how to be fluent in exercise and how to communicate effectively. My studies also prepared me to earn my professional certifications. I’m now working as a personal trainer at the YMCA, where I now use the knowledge I gained at Dean to teach fitness classes, work one-on-one with individuals and help my clients reach their goals.
I interned with Energy No Limit, a training facility where I was able to observe exercise classes and eventually teach them. Dean played a major role in preparing me for this internship by teaching me communication skills, how to be professional and how to connect with those I’m working with.
Check out the news and stories below to learn more about being an Exercise Science major at Dean.